
Scheurich GmbH
Grimmenstein 9/1
88364 Wolfegg

Telephone: +49 7527 96 04 0

Managing director:
Andreas Stehmer
Authorized signatory
Oliver Ballweg

Registration Office: Ulm District Court HRB 551123

VAT identification number as per § 27, Sales tax law: DE 813 858 005

Responsible for contents as per § 10 para. 3 Media Service State Contract: Andreas Stehmer (see above address)

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Note per Online Dispute Resolution Regulation

Under current law, we are required to alert consumers to the existence of the European Online Dispute Resolution platform, which can be used for the settlement of disputes, without having to resort to court. The platform is set up by the European Commission. The European online dispute resolution platform can be found at: Our email is:

Please note, however, that we are unwilling to participate in the dispute settlement process under the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform. Please use our email and phone number above to contact us.

Note according to the Consumer dispute settlement law (VSBG)

We are not prepared or obliged to participate in dispute settlement proceedings before a consumer arbitration body.

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